Jane Glover Barrister – Mediator – Adjudicator





Two topics I have been thinking, speaking and writing a lot about this year are patent support and patent sufficiency.  There are a number of reasons I have focused on these: First, they are difficult issues to get a handle on, and I wanted to really, properly get to grips with them. (Honestly, I think very few people do really understand these issues, and perhaps that is a reflection of the...

The government wants to give money away: r&d tax incentives


I just went to a talk on tax, and it was uplifting.  I mean, it was still a seminar, but in terms of fun factor I would rate it somewhere between listening to Mike Hosking (pretty bad) and Australian Lego Masters (oddly quite fun to watch with the kids). The speaker was Dr Tim Benbow, who is a partner at EY and is part of its R&D tax incentive team.  And he did actually open his...

Charles Graeber – Auckland Writers Festival


One of my favourite times of the year is the Auckland Writers Festival, which sadly has just finished.  I always fizz for weeks afterwards, neurons bathed in new and invigorating ideas.  I’m always encouraged, too, by the number of lawyers and judges who can be seen in the audience there.  Surely it is a good sign that our profession is filled with people who actively seek out new ideas and...

Jane Glover Barrister – Mediator – Adjudicator

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